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People Are Strange


You may have noticed rather remarkable change in the way people act, in particular since 11-11-11. There are a myriad of reasons for this. It would seem some 70 million people are on legal mind altering drugs and millions more on illegal mind altering drugs. Millions are undernourished and are on mind altering drugs taken through the water and other liquids they drink. Never in history have so many people been so doped up and a lot of these people operate heavy machinery!

The wifi world. This constant exposure to the EMF world is killing us slowly but more importantly it is cutting us off from a true connection to our Soul Self. No scientist in his right mind would try and produce a peer reviewable study stating that wifi is preventing people from accessing their soul so either you know this by your own internal compass or you will never get it as it isn’t something you will learn.

The polarity factor, “it is my way or the highway and you can just die of you do not agree with me.” This seems to be the norm these days, folks are so addicted to their own distorted media created polarity that they have deemed everyone who does not agree with their particular brand of insanity an enemy combatant. This can be seen where confrontation occurs and it leads to people being shot in a movie theater over too much talking during the show.

Folks are suddenly speaking in sound bites. Few people seem to want to engage in real conversation at all. I am shocked by how people simply respond to questions with the local news media sound bite system. “hey did you notice traffic seemed particularly bad today, even mean spirited…” is met with “oh yeah, traffic is always bad.” Or, “did you see the game last night, seems like no one was really in synch…” is met with “oh yeah, they sucked.” Notice how folks around you simply refuse to engage in anything substantive. The sports experts are not experts on sports, but on what other people on TV say about sports. Folks are not experts on public policy and how it affects them personally they are experts on what such and such a talking head says is politics.

The cellphone effect. I have written about this
elsewhere but one thing I have noticed, again since 11-11-11, is the oddest thing. While driving I noticed that people look away from the road every time there is change in the flow of their trip, like when they hit an intersection, or an oncoming car, or a traffic stop sign - they look way. I was sitting in the left turn lane at a major intersection when I first noticed this a few years back.

As cars came through the intersection drivers looked away; either up, or down, or left or right or in some cases they touched their hair or moved the mirror. I have now seen the pattern everywhere. When the flow of anything is disrupted people flinch. Of course many times people look down at the phone. I was driving behind someone who looked down at the phone 12 times in a two block span - she took her eyes of the road 12 times in two blocks. They same for a man shopping in the store.

This tells me people are living by patterns and are no longer living. When they are on a street driving they get into a zombie state and only snap out of it when something suggests there might be a need to be present. The car is the place where it is dangerous but is not the only place you can see it. Look for it and stay away from those in that state.

All of this strangeness adds up to this: The world is NOTHING like it was 10 years ago. Many people have become uncivil, shallow and unresponsive in many settings. You need to monitor your energy when you interact with people. For the most part you will no longer “win” any conflict as people will simply act like stone monuments and refuse everything, not matter how reasonable. People can no longer be expected to do the reasonable thing. People will do their worst a lot of the time and for the most part be unaware of it. In fact, it would seem most are simply unaware of their actions at all, they are acting out patterns and little else.

For you folks who are not acting the patterns of life out you’ll need to be discerning. I find that if a situation seems that it will take my time without giving me anything in return I just walk away. I no longer feel bad about ignoring those who seem to have no real recognition that I exist and that I matter. I have learned there is no “educating” folks on common decency, as those who are acting out the patterns do not care that parking in the middle of the street isn’t cool or acceptable.

I am very careful where I invest my energy. One key way to see if you are in a real relationship or a relationship with a pattern is to ask self reflective questions. Human Beings are self reflective, we live to know more about ourselves. It seems to me I am often speaking with people who are akin to Artificial Intelligence, as Artificial Intelligence cannot be self reflective, it is a Human Trait that cannot be passed down to a pattern executor.

This last part is important. Consider the fun the AT&T customer service phone tree is for everyone. The reason we get so angry is the machine is not self reflective - it is not Human and engaging it is no better then dealing with a lead pipe. Human’s engage each other via the innate system of self reflection so if this is not present in another there is no reason to engage unless you really have to.

True self reflection cannot be mimicked. I find that folks who repeat the bumper sticker memes related to a given topic are revealing themselves as patterns.

Beware the person who has the
divine right.

Shut Up


If you haven’t learned how to listen you’ll need to very fast. You’ll need to shut the hell up and start listening. You’ll need to refrain from opening your mouth until you have disgusted what needs to be digested. You’ll need to learn that 99 times of 100 you should say nothing.

In the world of text-facebook-post-chat-call narcissism the idea of actually listening is heresy, but for those of you wishing to take advantage of the energies infecting our reality you will need to stop all that wasted posting-energy and listen.

It is said that listening is an art form. This has to be the most tragic of all truisms. Ignoring, yammering on, posting every thought should be considered the art form, and listening should be considered the most foundational of human traits - but it isn’t.

You will need to not only listen to others but to yourself. Those around you are a reflection of an energy within -
see harmonizing statements, as such listening to yourself is not as hard as you think. For those of you who just can’t seem to hear your higher self, your soul self, or your internal god there is hope - just listen to those around you!


06 July 2014
27 April 2014
09 March 2014
02 March 2014