The Human Legacy
by A. Ritter


Having reached the declining years of my life I have decided to take stock, not in my own life, but in the entire Human Being consciousness as expressed on Earth. What have we Human Beings really done while visiting Earth? Recorded history goes back some five thousand years, and while recorded history is always suspect at best, it seems a fine timeline to use as the assessment of the Human experience on Earth. If the Earth decided to toss each and every Human Being off of her tomorrow, what would be the legacy spoken about, the day after at the after party? If, after a great Earth driven cull, all of us Human Beings gathered at the Restaurant At The End Of The Universe to define a legacy – what would the winner be?

How does one start to assess this? Well, in order to properly assess the legacy of the entire Human expression on Earth one needs to define what the actual point of the entire Earth/Human experience is, or was, as the case may be. Earth is an arena, a game grid, a glorious stadium for Earth-based games to occur. A great majority of all consciousness expressions, including some Human Soul-based expressions, are game related. Someone will set up a game and somebody, or lots of somebody’s, will agree to play the game. Some games can have an unlimited number of players while some may have an exclusive guest list, as it all depends on the game creator’s whims. What we call planet Earth is actually a wonderful consciousness expression who setup a rather unique game for anyone to play, including the Human Souled Beings, as long as they followed the game’s rules.


Earth’s game is rather simple in its design. Anyone can come to Earth and experience her frequencies of expression but they must use her tools to create the “body” they will inhabit while on Earth, as well as anything they decided to play with while here. Our physical form bodies are made up of Earth elements like silica and calcium and we are free to use those elements, as reflected through that body’s expression, for as long as we wish. When we are done with the body we are required to leave those elements behind. So, a body is born, a life is lived and the elements of that life are then left behind when we choose to drop the body and move on to another game (die).

There are of course other rules to the Earth game and it is important to note the rules are not rules that apply to all of consciousness or even rules that apply to all of our Universe, these are Earth’s (Earth rules have no direct relationship to man made rules either). Others, beside Human Souled Beings, can express themselves here too, but they need an element based body too; Plant Kingdom consciousness expression, Animal Kingdom consciousness expression are examples of non-Human Souled expressions. All the elements for “life” are contained within the game, as one does not need to leave the planet (at all) to get anything they need to continue to live within her frequency expression. The elements we use to play with here, like Gold, Iron, Oxygen and Nitrogen have different vibrational qualities and those vibrational qualities can be combined in an infinite number of ways to create other vibrations using Earth’s rules. It should be noted here that the materials that make up Earth, all of them, are vibrational tones that add up to the entirety of the Earth game-grid. Think of all of Earth’s elements like the notes in a symphony, each one is stellar in its own right but the whole is greater then the sum of the parts.

Earth herself agreed to remain neutral on all of the expressions who enter the game and what they do. In other words, Earth is not a referee, but simply the playing field and the basic rule maker. Movement is limited on Earth, as what we call “gravity” is in force and what we call “death” is a factor at play too (neither are absolutes in all of creation as there are countless other games where those rules are not in play.). Overall Earth’s main rules are simple, in contrast the millions of incomprehensible rules we have created in the form of laws, creeds and scientific laws.


Earth’s game is unique in one very important way – isolation. When within the Earth game, all tangible connections to the rest of one’s Soul based expressions are cutoff. When you enter the Earth game arena, you are disconnected – albeit temporarily, from the rest of you and your expressions. This creates a very distinctive experience for those who have the guts to venture into the Earth game. Did I say guts? Yes, to decide to separate off a piece of yourself and pretend that piece is all alone, forgotten and isolate it and then allow that piece to experience a unique expression via Freewill, takes real guts.

Earth’s game was setup in alignment with the only constant in all of creation – Freewill, and that means what happens here is allowed to happen even if it seems horrible. That is to say she setup the game to allow anything to happen as long as it was confined to the rules she setup. Freewill assures that consciousness as a whole, and we Human Beings as an integrated part, will continue to expand unabated forever. So Earth, being a part of the Freewill consciousness, devised a game that maximized benefits of that system.

For several hundred million years (the trip around the galaxy) folks have been coming to Earth to see what it is like to live in isolation and to see what Earth’s frequencies are all about. And for a couple hundred million years she has allowed those who wished to come and occupy a body to come and hang out. Some come to Earth and stay for hours, some for weeks, some for years, and some for even longer. One can experience Earth’s frequencies on land or in the water. One can experience them by breathing air itself or extracting oxygen through the water. One can eat animals or plants, or even both, for life sustaining energy (the edible plants and animals are having an Earth experience of providing support to another Earth based life form). One can experience most of what Earth has to offer through being awake during the day, or at night, or both. One can sleep the majority of life here like a sloth or never sleep like shark. I have heard it said that Whales and Dolphins are part of a Soul expression that feels that experiencing Earth’s frequencies of expression in the water (water is more conductive and salt water is very conductive) is much better then walking around on land. Regardless of how you choose to experience Earth’s frequencies, they are here for you to experience at her invitation.


It should be said that the frequencies I am talking about are not “nature” or even Earth’s physical structure per se, but the entirety of Earth itself. Some folks are under the impression that to experience Earth correctly you have to be “in nature” but this is not accurate, as the frequencies are not about the various beings that express themselves here in a “natural” setting, but about the entirety of her vibe. Nature, as we define it, is simply a place where Earth and her guests merge to express something that is a more simplified expression then say a city. But Earth’s frequencies can be experienced right where you are; anywhere you are, at anytime. The Whales and Dolphins are not experiencing “nature” as we land mammals know it, but they are experiencing Earth’s frequencies in a way that is commiserate with what they desire to accomplish by being here.

It should be noted that for many years there were Human expressions on Earth that were living in a simple way, thereby choosing to connect with Earth and her frequencies of expression through their unassuming lifestyle; the Native Americans and the Aboriginals come to mind. Alas, these tribes were seen as heathens and foolish expressions by certain folks and it was determined the “indigenous” people needed to be “civilized” or culled. So smallpox blankets, outright slaughter, forced relocations and whisky were deployed and their unique Earthly experience has been reduced to an historical footnote and the associated trite holidays.


If we keep things as simple as possible, determining Earth’s personal legacy to those who have come here is easy. For several hundred million years Earth has given herself unreservedly to create a forum for any number of consciousness expressions to express themselves freely and without interference. In exchange for creating the ultimate isolation-based arena, Earth has garnered the experience of insects, animals, fish, Human Beings, as well as countless others, as they forage, procreate, engage in war and a near infinite number of other creative expressions using her just her Earth tools. She has gotten quite a lot for her efforts I’d say; everything from nuclear waste to the classic English garden has been done in her arena. I happen to think Earth is a big fan of music so she’s had a good run in that area to be sure.

What is not so clear is the Human Being legacy.

It is difficult to talk about the Human legacy on Earth, as from our vantage point one can only really go back five thousand or so years of recorded history to draw our conclusions. That said, let’s go back and look at few Human achievements that standout as possible legacy candidates.


The first thing that stands out is the killing; several hundred million killed by war in the last one hundred and fifty years alone. In the last one hundred years one might estimate well over one hundred trillion dollars in money, and countless units of energy have been spent on creating devices to kill one another and quite often using those weapons on each other; Rwanda’s genocide, World War Two, Stalin and Mao’s reign of terror are just a few that come to mind. If we go all the way back we get the death caused by the Huns, the Romans, and of course the fun of the Crusades; an impressive amount of energy spent on killing each other no matter what the means. Yes, it would seem war is one of the great pastimes while on Earth but I don’t think it is the legacy people will talk about at the after party for more then a few minutes. While the numbers are indeed staggering, killing those who disagree with you, no matter how many it is, is seen exclusively as the final and easiest solution to a problem. War is the ultimate solution here on Earth and I can’t see things that are exclusively solutions gaining much legacy support.


The world of banking might be commented on at the Human legacy pre-party by a few. Someone conceived of the process of creating something out of thin air like a magician, fiat currency, and then loaning it to people in exchange for real energy related actions. The process created the whole 99-1 percent equation people go on about today. This topic moves up the ladder a bit because it is tied to the war actions and the killing. Most wars are about money, assets, property seizure and debts owed (no matter the stated reason this is the real reason), so we could combine the two and get a more impressive candidate but the problem falls flat when we realize a significant portion of the planetary population only started being forced to use money after they were conquered by war. Not everyone who has ever lived has done the money thing and while this will win “best illusion,” I don’t think illusions will gain much support as the ultimate legacy.


Cities are interesting. The world has Paris, New York, London, and historic Damascus and once had Ancient Rome, Ancient Athens and Machu Picchu and they are impressive to a degree but I don’t think but a few folks will nominate cities as legacy. The mass centers of activity that create what we call city-life are interesting in that they have congregated so much energy/life in one area, but again, not everyone lives in them, or wants to, and the rather obscene air quality in Mexico city and Beijing will probably leave even the city supporters a little shy about pressing this nominee.


Technology would be a legacy that those tethered to their smartphone would vote for. The problem including technology is two fold. First, is technology strictly electronic in nature or does it include the plow? The second, and most obvious problem, is that people lived/live just fine without anything technologically related long before Facebook turned the Humans on the planet completely narcissistic. Some in the more remote parts of the world still have no technology at all and do fine. This one won’t get much attention.



Religious systems will be a hot topic to be sure. The religious institutions as a system of control and oppression are quite remarkable, but these systems are not germane to Earth at all. In fact, all of them are fairly new and their legacy is spotty at best, primarily because the intention is so unclear. Were they created by a few to control the masses through threats, economics and the control of information, or were they created to help people learn how not to fight, judge and oppress each other? Since no religion can be seen as better then another, we’d have to toss all religions in the same basket no matter the origin or the influence. Since the all-religion basket would have to include the “Jedi Religious Order,” as is now an official religion, I am unwilling to allow this any consideration as a legacy candidate. Besides, were we to include religions as a serious legacy contender, a fight would ensue about which God was better and that topic falls into the illusion category and this is about Human Beings and their legacy.


Enslavement is going to be a controversial topic. The population has been enslaved by kings, religion, the British after they invaded the world, and then finally economic debt. Currently it is hundreds of trillions of dollars of debt that enslaves the entire population, as well as various institutions who collect on that debt, so enslavement might be big. We can tie money, wars and enslavement together and see them as one big enslavement-plus legacy but I’m not keen on that. You see, Freewill means that the Human Souled Beings are choosing to be enslaved, so the system of enslavement is not very impressive when you consider that the real reason for the enslavement is that Human Beings are agreeing to enslave themselves by choice and not because any one system is very good at it.


Governance will be mentioned briefly, but only briefly and then dismissed without an argument for three reasons. One, government is a failure just waiting to recognize it has failed. Two, it has the distinction of being the only business where personal incompetence, zero qualifications and failure are rewarded. Three, governments are at their very best that first day of creation and from then on they are simply a dead man walking. So government could be a candidate for longest running disaster.

Record Keeping?

This is one of my favorites, as this is useless action which defined “busy work” and is stunning in its wasted effort. Governments of course are the biggest creators of the various cataloguing systems and the amount of stored information by them, and everyone else, in files, graphs, books, microfiche, film, hard drives and so on is beyond all comprehension. Ledgers, receipts, lists, accounting books, records, legal documents, secret files and now all the NSA metadata storage is indeed something of a legacy. The problem here is this only started as a mass effort in the last 100 years so what is catalogued is limited to a certain segment of the population that have been catalogued since record keeping began and that is not all Humans. It is impressive in the way trash is impressive, so I think the topic won’t get much momentum at the table but I’d like it mentioned.

Financial Inequality?
99-1 copy

1/99 percent equation, which has stood the test of recorded time, is one to note in our quest for a legacy. But this falls well short because we can see the big bad 1 percent are simply frightened, petty people who fear the 99 percent so much they seek to enslave them through the fiat currency illusion. So this ranks as a candidate for best gimmick based on an illusion and won’t be the defining legacy.

Space Travel?

Space travel might be considered for a fleeting second but this isn’t really “man’s” achievement in as much as it is a few men and women’s achievement spanning just 60 years. Very few have actually gone into lower orbit and even fewer went to the moon itself so it is seems weak based on numbers alone. In fact, the moon visitations proved to be so uninteresting “we” quit bothering with it nearly 40 years ago, so this isn’t worthy at all. Though I’m guessing one guy will support this only because the moon landing spawned this glorious catchphrase, “if they can put a man on the moon then why can’t they…”


Nationalism is a curious topic indeed and the most bothersome. The Earth is the Earth. At the time of this writing Earth has 7 continents surrounded by water. To be here on Earth is to be here on Earth, and yet, some folks have seen fit to divide her up into completely arbitrary divisions, which are called “nations,” and then lay claim to ownership of all of Earth that is contained within those boundaries, then charge people for living within those boundaries. These planetary squatters often act like kings, or tyrants, or bureaucrats as a reward for their boundary making efforts. Besides making travel on Earth nearly impossible, these arbitrary divisions of the land created nationalism, which is used to create Human division and war. While to carve up what isn’t one’s to carve up is surely criminal the effort isn’t that old relative to our existence here. On its own this isn’t much of a legacy, but we could add this to the bin of war, money and enslavement to get a mega-legacy of sorts but when taken apart this legacy is more the legacy of Kings, Tyrants and others who were talked to by god and not at all about Human Beings as a whole. Why is there is no country named Earth on Earth?

Toxic Waste?

The toxic legacy could be one that merits discussion and would surely be a favorite among the modern green folks. The Human folks have introduced radioactive poison that will last far longer then we will, not to mention all the trash, toxic chemicals and so on residing all over Earth’s expression. To be fair to the polluters, they are making the waste from the tools the Earth has provided under the rules she made, so this will probably be dismissed because of that. The fact that the waste creation is barely 150 years old may doom this too. But the real problem I see with this is that one is it would be like judging a party by the mess left over after the party was done.


“Man’s inhumanity to man?” No, not that either.

We could combine all of these rather depressing expressions into one mega-legacy but this would be wrong, as most of these potential candidates only go back some five thousand years and what we are looking for is something that really defines the Human experience going all the way back, long before we go these crazy ideas like nuclear power, B1-Bombers and Starbucks. Part of the problem with these candidates for the supreme Human legacy is that they require so much judgment.


To accept one or more of the above listed achievements requires judgment using socially created judgment systems. Let’s remember that the Earth is a neutral playing field, so to add the erratic system of emotionally based judgment to determine the Human legacy seems not only wrong, but also insulting. Earth is not judging our efforts, so why should we determine our legacy by the judgment founded on the uneven moral social programming that shifts more, and faster, then the Sahara’s desert sands? I think war is beyond stupid but those who wage it love it beyond all reason. I think radioactive waste from Nuclear Power Plants is unacceptable on every level, but the science class says the endless waste is nothing to worry about.

One might say, “Well, how about all of the love, the friendship, the support we all give each other everyday?” This is a good point but alas an irrelevant one. Everyday Human Souled Beings, almost everywhere else they expresses themselves, give love, support and compassion as it is their inherent nature and Earth is not needed for an expression of those qualities. Further, because the body, and the Earth based locational isolation system, creates a place where one can do the
opposite of our inherent nature, the real legacy would actually be the fact that we generous, loving and caring Human Beings actually managed to behave in a way that is not consistent with our expression everywhere else in consciousness. Our emotional legacy here would not be the fact that we can love, but the fact that we can convincingly pretend not to.

So what do we have left? What is the Human-Earth legacy? What stands the test of time, and what is something that both Earth and Humans can be proud of?


The legacy is something that actually encompasses everything I have mentioned before, but ignores all of the judgment: Creative expression is it; the world of “Human Being Energy Design” is our legacy.

Creativity is something most people are familiar with but I need to deepen the understanding of Human Creative Energy Design in order to justify my contention that it is
the Human Legacy. We all know about creativity, as in drawing, composing music or even knitting, but to keep the definition limited to creativity of “artistic” things is to fail to see what a Human Souled Being can, and does do both here on Earth and everywhere else it expresses itself.

Human Souled Being Energy expression is about
manifestation of energy. Each and everything manifested on Earth, using her tools, is done by taking our energy and combining energies to create something else. When I paint a painting I am using the tools of Earth; paint, canvas, brushes etc., which are all tools created by others, and I use them to manifest an energy from within me. When a group of people create a car, they are taking the energies of many, and of course Earth, which manifests the finished product.

Anything we see here in our reality is a legacy of the energies which have been manifested through the participating vehicles of energy expression. To make a brick I can take some clay from Earth and put it into a kiln, one built by another, or myself and fire it using another Earth based tool – fire. Then I can take and add that brick to many more bricks and assemble them into a building designed by another using the energies of many craftsman in a city manifested by many other Humans in bodies. The final building clearly uses the Earth’s tools and the Human Being Energy Design system, as such, no one energy expression is more important than another. Could Bach have made music without someone first creating something to make it with?

When I say “design” what I mean here is the expression of the energy of the Human Souled Being used to create. That energy, when not funneled though a body limited by Earth’s rules, is capable of creating nearly anything at all. Some Humans on this Earth are running their own Earth-like game in another realm altogether, as well as playing this game here - most are simultaneously playing many other games too. The Human Being Soul has a lot of energy but it is limited in the expression of that energy by the rules here on Earth. A Human Being “designing” something is specifically about the process of the expression of energy and not about the process of creating things judged as artistic. One can use their energy to design a family, design a tool, design an organization to feed the homeless or to create a support network for the creation of another creation. This is important to keep in mind as the legacy is about the totality of Human Being Energy Design as it has manifested on Earth through all of the integrated expressions.

The legacy we will all discuss in the
Restaurant At The End of the Universe is: The Human Being Energy Design Legacy.

A Human Being designed the Bow & Arrow, as well as Eifel Tower. A Human Being designed the words you are reading, as well as the machine used to record them. A Human Being designed the shoes you are wearing and the materials that were used to assemble them. A Human Being designed every single thing you see around you now. Everything you see around you was created using the energy of a Human Being(s). Stop right here and look around you. I’ll wait while you take a look…

Human Energy was used to design both the plan, as well as the execution, of everything that exists on Earth. A car is a complex web of design from the design of the materials as they are extracted from Earth, to the design of the machines used to process the materials, to the execution of that processing, to the design of the transactions used to account for that processing, to the assembly of those materials and on and on. In fact, it would be impossible to actually account for the Human Energy that is put into one single car, let alone accounting for the contributions of Earth herself and the Animal and Plant Kingdom’s to the creation of your favorite automobile.

While living on Earth one does not design alone even if it seems that way. There is an old BBC program called “Connections” in which the host works to attempt to connect the design elements that contribute to things like the car. The host works to connect the inventions of all the seemingly unconnected contributors to various inventions like the airplane. At the time of its airing it was fascinating to see the connections and how limited one’s ability is to see the vastness of this entire design process as things are transpiring even with the aid of the historical record. Our Human energy manifestation is a connective energy expression legacy that would take eons to unravel. After Earthly event is over the drunken arguments at the dinner table about this process will last an eternity, as we share our experiences from within this legacy. I’m simply going to say that when Earth finally does decide the game is over and sends us all home, that the Human Being Energy Design will be the legacy.

As you scroll through these images really meditate on the idea that Human Beings have designed these “things” using their energy, either in group or solo, and all in tandem with Earth. And keep in mind that this is not about just the artists expression of energy as to build anything you need materials, you need organization, you need support, you need a mother, and a Human Energy field –
everyone is a creator no matter who you are and everyone will be celebrated at the final wrap party. And really bear in mind that all of these creations could not have been done without Earth and her graciousness, generosity and support.



Grand Piano


Torture devices

Hoover Dam

Jaguar eType

Space Shuttle

Fat Man, Little boy


Fukushima Daiichi


Hello Kitty

The Concord

Sling Shot

The Favelas Of Brazil

Sydney Opera House



Easter Island Stone Sculptures

Machu Picchu

Golden Gate Bridge

Watts Towers


Helvetica Font

Beethoven’s 9th


Personal Art

This fantastic piece, “Head,” @Savitsky Collection resides with countless other fabulous works of art in the Nukus museum in Uzbekistan, which houses works created in secret by the oppressed people of the old USSR; a museum that was designed by I.V. Savitsky and few have ever seen the works. All of the art stored there was done by those who felt the need to express a little Human Souled energy for their own reasons. Emily Dickenson wrote some poems while she lived and then became famous for them after she died. Consider all that could be considered art that has been created on this planet by all those who have lived including the seen and the not seen. Personal artistic expression is a simple example of the Human Being design energy but our legacy is about so much more then that.

Human Energy designed all of those things above with the expression of it. Going back to the rather dismal energy expressions mentioned earlier, Human Energy has designed all of those things too. Humans designed the wars, the tools for war, the reasons for war, the plans as well as acted all the wars out. Humans designed the nuclear power plants that pollute Earth with the endless radioactive waste. Humans designed the fiat currency system, the imagery used on the bank notes, as well as the machines that print the money. Humans designed the bureaucratic insanity that is governance, as well as the tools used to control those who resist their voluntary inclusion in those systems.

From the music only heard by those who were there at that exact moment, to the music purchased and heard by millions. From movies seen by only the family who made the film to The Godfather and the Sound of Music. From jokes told during a family dinner to the hilarious shtick performed during vaudeville shows. From the creation of the skateboard to the creation of the front side Ollie. From the creation of my grandmother’s garden to the creation of GMO corn containing Roundup pesticide gene sequencing. From the tin whistle to the scalpel. Human’s designed ways to get oil from Earth and then turn it into everything from fuel to Vaseline. A man saw Iron Ore and now I have an espresso machine in my home. Human’s designed ways to climb Mount Everest and traverse the oceans. A Human designed the nail clipper and the heart pacemaker. Humans designed songs to sing their children to sleep and beds for them to sleep safely in. Someone’s energy designed every single “knob” you have ever turned. Humans designed countless inventions that never worked. Someone designed this aeronautic catastrophe.


Humans designed a way to make pig’s feet tasty – think of all the creative energy that has gone into food alone! Humans designed a way to turn papyrus into paper and countless substances into colorful dyes for all the clothing that has ever been designed. Humans designed the highways, the train tracks and anything that moves along them. Humans designed prison-based solitary confinement, razor blades and Theater In The Round. Consider all the music that has been created using tools created from Earth and remember the vocal cords come from Earth’s materials.

Humans have created it all in a joint expression of Energy with those who have shared an interest in expressing their energy on Earth.
When we strip away all of the judgment, we get something beyond all comprehension, the joint effort of energy expression via all the participants in this Earth game will take an eternity to sort though. Dare I say the glorious hangover acquired while sorting all of this expressing out will last a very long time.

At this point it seems important to say something trite like, “celebrate your Human Being Energy Design Efforts Everyday” but that is not only trite, it isn’t the point. The point here is to look beyond any silly t-shirt phrase about celebration and seek to connect to the energy that is making all of this happen -
you. Drop the judgment about the horrors and the beauty you see around you and look at all of this design work as simply marvelous. Look at how we humans took Earth’s primitive tools and made all of these things to interact with, all of these things to experience our lives and all of these shared expressions that did not exist until we did that.

From now on, look at each and every item you see, hear, taste, smell or touch and see the Human Being Design Energy in it. Look at the wonderful effort that has created all your experience. Strip the judgment and enter in the fascinating realm of what we manifest with our energy.

And you might want to take at least a minute or two to give Earth her props, she’s been a great host.