From My Experience, Insecurity Is The Key To Life!

Fact: You Are Insecure. You are insecure about: your body, your clothing choices, your job, your family, your ability to speak intelligently, your income, your health, your future and so on
and so what?

As a healer and I have encountered countless Human conditions in my experience. Of all the things I have observed in people, the simple observation that one is insecure is met with the biggest recoiling from those I suggest this to. People are more bothered by admitting they are insecure about being fat then they are about being called fat. In this book, we are going to look at why insecurity is the most insidious, destructive, and prevalent of all of our internal experiences, and why it is much easier to address that than you might think. You will also learn why it is wonderful that you are insecure.

We are here on Earth to have experiences, experiences that will hopefully lead to an increase in awareness about ourselves, yet when we get caught up in what we call life, or surviving life, we forget all about the awareness part.

I hope that by reading this book and following the very simple, proven energy/consciousness changing techniques you will get back on the self-awareness bus in a whole new seat driving it instead of being driven.

This book is written in way that I hope will help unlock your consciousness and increase your awareness. I have laid out a process that mimics my experience with teaching the technique to others in person. What you will experience is a personal transformational session if you follow what is presented here. It is
highly recommended that you print the book out, so you can keep notes as you go along. There are spots left for answering questions at key points. The answers do not have to be elaborate or complicated, just a few words to get yourself in the self-reflection mode. The questions are not designed for right or wrong answers, but to break down some long held beliefs and limitations, which, when released, will increase your awareness. You may even want to go back and look at your answers after you have finished the program.

I am using the word “insecurity” because it is the fundamental association with an energy that has been mislabeled by us. The goal here is not to get you to be less insecure, but to transcend the ideas, actions and reactions associated with an energy most have come to view as an energy demon that must be stopped at all costs. By the end of this book, and through the use of the techniques, you should have an entirely new view of the word and its associated energy.

It is important you do the very simple exercises actively, in order to make changes in your life. While the explanations given here may change your outlook, it is not the sole purpose of this book. The explanations, examples and layout contained in the book are done around the techniques and those techniques are not meant to be excluded from the whole of the process the techniques are the process. The techniques lock in what is being said in order to expand your awareness. This is not an abstract theory book, nor a simple social commentary but an all-encompassing technique.

While you are reading this book you may find what you read may hurt your head, may confuse you, may challenge you in ways you do not feel comfortable being challenged. Hang in there, reread if you have to, take a break if you have to, but hang in there. In some cases it may seem like I am repeating myself but trust me, there is a reason. In other cases it may seem I have left you hanging, there is a reason for that too. When you reach the end it will all begin to make some sense.

A word of caution: I gave this to a friend to review prior to proofreading. I asked that person to make notes. What I found in the notes was very interesting, several things I had said were altered, by a word or two, to change the meaning to be more consistent with modern main stream views. This may happen to you, you may seek to alter things I say, but I assure you the words I have chosen are for a very specific reason. I want to challenge your mainstream views.

What does insecurity have to do with empowerment? Read on…