The Only Healing Books You Will Ever Need?

The world is full of all sorts of information about the reality we live in. Some of it is great, some of it is good, and most of it is something else. What is lacking in most presentations is actual, demonstrable tools that can demonstrate the theme being expressed. As a healer it is my job to not only describe the reality we live in but to create tools that help demonstrate that reality to those I am working with. Over the years I have developed a series of exceedingly simple tools that will help anyone not only see the reality they create more clearly, but to make changes in that reality. The techniques I have created require no further purchases, no other tools beyond your commitment to fully owning the reality you create. By reading the books and practicing the techniques contained within each book you will find yourself experiencing your entire reality in a new way.

If you are tired of spending countless dollars on tools, self-help books and therapy then you might want to check out these books.

Absolute Empowerment.
This book takes you on a journey unlike any other book available. You will teach yourself the truth about your energy and what you do with it using the simple, but powerful techniques. Everyone I have ever worked with has wanted to know the answer to “why.’ You name the issue and “why” is the central concern. In this book you will find out the final answer to “why” and you will find out why the “why” does not really matter. After completing the simple exercises you will discover the truth about who you are.

The Harmonizing Statements. This book is the companion book the website of the same name. In this book you will find out how to manipulate your reality. You will find out exactly how you created the reality you interact with and by using the simple tools you will see ways to manipulate that reality. This simple system is one that anyone can do, once you understand that you project the reality you interact with you will begin manage you life in an entirely new way. This book has new material and new suggestions.

Increase Awareness. This book is a collection of articles, tips and thoughts on healing, life and other things I have determined might be of some interest. There are articles on Money, Relationships, Healing, The Body and over 30 more articles. Some of the information will help fill out areas of interest not covered by Absolute Empowerment, and The Harmonizing Statements.