What is music doing to you? What can music do to you?

Here we are going to take a look at the sound of music in a different way.

First we need to establish a basic truth - you are mostly water. You are about 60% water.

Now keeping this water truth in mind, watch this video of a translation of the vibrations coming from an instrument to water.

Now, it seems to me that if I am water, and this instrument makes the water alter its form, then the sound coming from any instrument should be having an effect on the water in my body - me, and my consciousness expression.

Have a listen to Eric Dollard’s experience. Admittedly the interview is a bit odd, but the lack of professionalism does not take away from what he is saying. And while he seems to be a bit scattered, aren’t we all, he still manages to point out the simple fact that music has an affect on us in ways that we are unaware of.

extra content: You may want to check out how this building might have been done with the same notions Mr. Dollard is speaking about http://www.otsf.org/conference.htm)

Now we are going to view this clip where Bach, the composer referred to by Mr. Dollard is matched with water.

Can you see a pattern yet?

Now what happens when one is exposed to “music” that sounds like this? What happens to the water in the body?

Let’s take a deeper look at how vibrations change the water in us. Dr. Emoto exposed water to various vibrations to see what happens.

Now down the rabbit hole. Vibrations are vibrations. Music are sound waves we can “hear” with our ears. But there are waves that we cannot hear and those have to have an effect on the water in our bodies too.

Here is what Nickolay Lamm
thinks wifi might look like if it were imagined. These are vibrations of course.

What effect do you suppose these are having on the water in your body?

The Sun produces vibrations too.

So, what are your thoughts on vibrations and their effect on your consciousness. Are any of these vibrations, or the others you experience in your daily life, influencing how you spend your Freewill?